A group of observers gathered at Willow Spring, home of the monster-scope Dobzilla, for a shortish night of deep sky observing last Saturday night. We were there over the year's first legit heat wave, with temps probably hitting the low triple digits by mid afternoon. The attendees are becoming somewhat of a regular group there, and someone decided we needed a name, thus, Sons of Dobzilla. The scope, a 33.4" f/5 is an intimidating sight, especially from the top of the ladder when the beast is pointed at zenith. Not for the inexperienced, or faint of heart.
The other scopes were not nearly as daunting, three 18's and a 22"... legit aperture in any other setting. But Dobzilla stomps them all.
Richard Navarrete and I were the first to arrive. We'd had a Mexican food dinner at Dona Esther on the way down, in San Juan Bautista. It used to be my favorite haunt in that town, back when I was frequenting Fremont Peak in the early and mid 90's. I have to say, I think Jardine's has taken the trophy these days, in case anyone is interested. Felipe's is also pretty good. But, while in town, we picked up some assorted items for mirror cleaning, and spent a short time at Willow Springs, after arriving, drinking cervesas and field servicing our primary mirrors. It was so hot out, we hardly needed to dry off the glass.... that's the way to do it!
Even though sunset is coming later and later now, good company made the time fly by. Soon enough Saturn was out, and was looking great. The seeing was excellent. However, there was a grayish tint to the more distant mountains, that looked like a haze that could affect the transparency. And in fact, that's how I felt the evening went. Very good seeing, with good but not outstanding transparency. I was limiting out with my 18" Obsession at about mag 15.5, about half a mag below the best nights I've had at that location.
The night was casual observing. Even though I spent quite a bit of time at the eyepiece, there was no manic panic to log big numbers. I think those days are done. I visited, ate cookies, had some coffee with Bailey's breaks, and looked through the beast. Before I knew it... the eastern horizon was bright from a rising third quarter moon.
I think all who attended would agree, it was a very worthwhile night.
Here are my observing notes. These were generally challenging targets. I think the AGCs I viewed would be worth revisiting on a top notch night, as there were many components that were just beyond reach last Saturday...
Arp 109 Dra GX 0.5'x0.4' 15.2 15 48 07 69 28 11 UGC 10053
18" 7mm IC1146 is obvious elongated 3x2 mostly E/W, MCG 12-15-18 and UGC 10053 are dimmer to the N, with MCG elongated SW/NE and the UGC to its NW elongated maybe slightly E/W, and dimmer than the MCG.
Arp 109 Dra GX 1.2'x0.7' 15.0 15 47 50 69 28 11 UGC 10053
18" 7mm IC1146 is obvious elongated 3x2 mostly E/W, MCG 12-15-18 and UGC 10053 are dimmer to the N, with MCG elongated SW/NE and the UGC to its nw elongated maybe slightly E/W, and dimmer than the MCG.
HGC 078A Dra GX2 1.4'x0.6' 14.9B 15 48 17 68 13 14 UGC 10057
18" 7mm - small but has bright core. Elongated sliver mostly E/W. C component at mag 16.6 is in and out,tiny glow.
HGC 078B Dra GX2 0.7x0.2 14.9B 15 48 08 68 12 24 MCG +11-19-016
18" 7mm - dimmer than UGC 10057 and elongated NW/SE, no detail, small but larger than the UGC.
HGC 080C Dra GX3 0.4'x0.3' 16.1B 15 59 07 65 14 01 PGC 56572
18" 7mm - dimmest fo three seen in this Hickson, just a small roundish glow to the W of the CGCG.
HGC 080A Dra GX3 0.9'x0.2' 15.5B 15 59 19 65 13 58 CGCG 319-038
18" 7mm - most obvious of the group. Reasonably bright, elongated mostly E/W and about 4x1 size ratio.
HGC 080B Dra GX3 0.5'x0.3' 16.4B 15 59 21 65 13 22 PGC 56590
18" 7mm - dimmer and to the S of the CGCG. Amorphous but perhaps showing elongation maybe NW/SE but very difficult to tell, a bit smaller than the CGCG.
N6015 Dra GX 5.4x2.1 11.1 15 51 25 62 18 35
18" 7mm - approx 6'x3' elongated N/W with fairly even brightness throughout - slightly brighter middle, slightly brighter elongated core.
NGC5982 Dra GX 1.2x.8 10.9 15 38 39 59 21 21
18" 7mm - small bright core with swirl detail containing a bright nearly stellar nucleus, set in a much larger envelope about 1.5'x1.0' elongated E/W.
N5985 Dra GX 5.5x3.0 11.1 15 39 37 59 15 55
18" 7mm - large and ecliptical, running N/S. Slightly brighter large core with rest of galaxy having even brightness, approx 4'x2'.
Arp 188 Dra GX 3.6'x0.8' 14.4 16 06 03 55 25 29 UGC 10214
18" 7mm - elongated mostly E/W about 2'x0.6', dim stellar nucleus in a slightly bulging core.
Arp 2 Her GX 2.8'x2.2' 13.2 16 16 18 47 02 47 UGC 10310
18" 7mm - very difficult and only occassionaly glimpsed faint glow elongated NNE/SSW, no detail at all.
Arp 90 Boo GX 1.7'x0.9' 12.2 15 26 07 41 40 39 NGC 5930
18" 7mm - very nice pair of very close interacting galaxies oriented NE/SW; NE of pair is larger and appears to have some spiral structure or some disruption. Both appear to have stellar cores, but SW galaxy's is brighter and more obvious.
Arp 90 Boo GX 1.0'x0.9' 13.6 15 26 06 41 40 39 NGC 5929
18" 7mm - very nice pair of very close interacting galaxies oriented NE/SW; NE of pair is larger and appears to have some spiral structure or some disruption. Both appear to have stellar cores, but SW galaxy's is brighter and more obvious.
N6058 Her PN 24"x21" 12.9 16 04 26 40 40 59
18" 7mm - nice symmetrical round planetary with even brightness across the disk. Easy bright central star. No filter necessary. NPB filter dims central star significantly and seems to show mottling in the disk, elongating N/S as if the E/W were slightly pinched, but only in the brighter inner N/S section.
AGC 2124 CrB GXCL 13.4' 15.6 15 45 00 36 03 00 UGC 10012
18" 7mm - UGC 10012 is dim but unquestionably visible. Picked up nearby galaxies, MAC 1545+3605, MAC 1545+3607B, MAC 1545+3611,
AGC 2162 CrB GXCL 56.0' 13.7 16 12 30 29 32 00 NGC 6086
18" 7mm - NGC 6085, NGC 6086, MCG 5-38-32, CGCG 167-55, CGCG 167-56, MCG 5-38-28, U10258, MCG 5-38-27, U10259, U10262.
AGC 2079 CrB GXCL 17.9' 15.4 15 28 06 28 52 00 UGC 9861
18" 7mm - MGC 5-34-36, U9861, I4547, I4546, CGCG 165-55.
Arp 220 Ser GX 1.5'x1.2' 13.1 15 34 57 23 30 11 IC 4553
18" 7mm - slightly elongated NNE/SSW, even brightness, amorphous, approx round and slightly disrupted.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sons of Dobzilla
Posted by
Prana Ylem
10:27 PM
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1 comment:
We have a website dedicated to Dobzilla and DeepSky Ranch.
The URL is
There are pictures of Dobzilla, driving instructions to the site, links to current weather and viewing conditions, and some area information. You can also e-mail us at deepskyranch@gmail.com.
Note: you'll need to copy and paste the links above.
Kevin & Phetsy
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